Tuesday 27 July 2010

Character Prolfile: Slitheen

Name: Slitheen
Description: The Slitheen are from the planet called Raxacoricofallapatorius. The Slitheen are a family who scavenge stuff and sell to the highest bidder. They scrape skin from humans or aliens. I guess you are wondering how do they fit in the skin? It is the collar around their neck, that is why they always fart. The Slitheen are the descedents of Bladdereens. Bladdereens are farmer folk but they infected the Earth with a plant called rackweed and put most of the world in a coma. There is a planet which is the brother of Raxacoricofallapatorius called Clom.
Weakeness: Vinegar.
Strengths: Fingernails.
Episodes featured in: Aliens of London,World War Three, Boom Town,The Pandorica.


  1. Wow, you really know your Doctor Who history! I like to think one of my strengths is my fingernails as well, but it would be creepy if they looked like that!!

  2. I love Doctor Who! I just started watching the new series but I haven't seen any of the original episodes yet.

    I'm so torn about the Slitheen--they're half cute and half disgusting.
